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Hey! Really cool game! I was wondering who voice acts for the plumber? He’s really good!

Thanks a lot! That's me 😁

So awesome! You’re hilarious my friend, best voice acting  I’ve heard in a game for a while actually.

cool game it's right that i don't know what i am doing while playing it but still  good game

Thanks for playing :)

i.. have no idea man. i just have no clue

Maybe that's the point? I don't know, I made the thing and I'm confused too. Thanks for playing!

Played your game for a video! Hope you enjoy it :)

That was a great video. Thanks for playing the game!

The prodigal son returns!


Wish I had more time to work on the 2nd chapter of this game :'(

This game took me to a weird place mentally. I had a few awakenings, breakdowns, and some boredom. Good game though :D

Whoa, been too long since I checked in here. Thanks for playing!!


This was a real CRAPPY time of you're smelling what I am stepping in ;D

Thanks for the fun ❤

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the video!

prob got some diseases from that bathroom

Among other things. The place certainly doesn't look well kept, does it? Thanks for playing!


i never played this game so jokes on you


Hey  seriously love the game , but somethings feel a little off but i made a gameplay hope you like it


I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for making a video :)


I was looking at the game's tags when I was finishing up the video, and I was wondering why you tagged a game about the world's largest (and dirtiest) bathroom with Milwaukee. I mean, I figured it out, but that was a weird five minutes.


Most of my games secretly take place in Milwaukee. Although the next one looks like it won't. 

Won't take place in Milkwaukee, or won't secretly take place in Milwaukee?

Ha! Won't take place in Milwaukee. It's a stealth horror game I've wanted to make for a long time. Just need to start getting up earlier again.


Sweet. I'll keep an eye out.


I think I accidentally avoided the monster :P 


Ha! You're not the only one who made it out alive. My random algorithm is surprising me and watching it play out in the experiences of players is fascinating. I may decide to release a patch, but for now I'm having a good time watching people's reactions. Thanks for playing!

It was my pleasure bud :)


Gave it a go...


Thanks for giving it a shot!


I gotta be honest, I went in with low expectations due to it being a maze game, but the charm and overall weirdness was awesome, and I'm glad I went back to get myself killed. I was kinda expecting the monster to be patrolling around. Well made, funny and a good challenge. Thanks for releasing this.

Woot! Thanks for giving it a chance and thanks for the video! I'm glad you liked it :) Consider leaving a review!


Fun little game!

If you liked what you see consider sticking around and clicking the link below!

Link to my channel (Opens in new tab)

Thanks for playing and for making a video! Glad you liked the game! If you feel like helping me out, consider rating it!


August looks like a reject from the Teletubbies :O 

Thanks for playing, and for the video! That is definitely an interesting take! I modeled him after the female of the species of deep sea angler fish Melanocetus johnsonii. I've always been fascinated by the creatures of the abyss. For some reason it made sense to me for a predatory fish/woman/man hybrid to be able to survive in a huge subterranean bathroom. #logic


I like the game, but is there any way to tell where August might be before you meet him? 


I was inspired by the old game "Hunt the Wumpus" which I used to play on my old TI as a little kid. August can move randomly among a set number of rooms along the route to the exit. Whether or not he finds you is somewhat random, and there is no way of knowing ahead of time.

Thank you for telling me this. One more question, if you could- does he move between rooms on his own pace, or just whenever you enter another room?

His movement is triggered when you enter a new room :)


The darkness before entering a room is terrifying


This is definitely one of those circumstances where a choice that was made to improve performance also ended up creating a nice, creepy atmosphere. Glad you noticed :)

I tried downloading the link is broken...

Thanks for letting me know! It looks like it's fixed now!


Pretty cool. Gets a little repetitive at times but the tense situation of not knowing what when you'll run into the monster or what it will do keeps the suspense up pretty good.


Thanks for playing and for the video! If you enjoyed it, a good rating would help a lot!


hi, big thx for the cool game. good job. greetings from germany

Thank you for playing and for the video! Danke, Freund aus Deutschland :) if you had fun, please rate the game!


That maze must have taken some time to build, I wonder what that guy does. :)


Thanks for playing and for the video! Little hints as to The Plumber's back story are scattered throughout the maze, and more will be revealed in the 2 upcoming sequels. If you liked the game, please consider rating it.

(+1) i hope u enjoy my gameplay 

Thanks for the gameplay vid! Your comment posed twice for some reason so I ditched the second one.